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I released ALL THE GLORY Song After God Saved Me From A Plane Crash – Steve Crown

I released ALL THE GLORY Song After God Saved Me From A Plane Crash – Steve Crown

Nigerian gospel music popular singer and worship leader Steve Crown took to his official social media page to share a testimony of how God narrowly saved his life in the year 2019 from a plane crash. He made it known that due to shock and his introverted nature took him a long time to share it with the general public.

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The talented singer confirmed that his song All The Glory was released after the incident. He said though he has received the song before the incident but the gospel song became more meaningful to him after the incident. Speaking about the incident the singer wrote below:

On 10th March 2019 I boarded Ethiopian airline, flight 302 Bowen 737 MAX from Nairobi heading to Addis Ababa.. to join a connecting flight from Addis Ababa to Abuja Nigeria after a successful Program in Nairobi.

On arrival in Addis, we disembarked & joined an Ethiopian Airline flight Heading to Abuja Nigeria.

On arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport, Abuja Nigeria, We began to hear the trending news of a plane crash in BISHOFTU shortly after takeoff from Addis heading to Nairobi killing all 149 passengers board including 8 Crew members.
I couldn’t wait to get back home because of d shock. On getting home I turn on the TV. It was all over the news and I checked my boarding pass only to discover that was the plane we boarded from Nairobi to Addis that had just crashed while returning to Nairobi with passengers on board.

I was in shock for several weeks, I couldn’t even speak about d incident to anyone out there except my immediate family, & d fact that I’m an introvert didn’t help matters, because I am not someone who talks too much or put out everything on social media.. so not many people are aware that I used that flight shortly B4 it crashed.

I began to reminisce on how God has been faithful& miraculously keeps us alive & safe, because most of us reading this are frequent travelers by Air, by the nature of our work or ministry, I will like to emphasize that “we are not any beta than victims of air-crash.”

Sincerely, my heart goes out to all the families affected by this unfortunate incident.
While in my thoughts & thanksgiving to God in my closet, God began to tell me I have preserved you for my Glory.
I received the song ALL THE GLORY before this incident but it made more sense 2me after d PLANE CRASH God delivered me from which I share with you again today.
Sincerely behind every song i put out there in d public space.. is From a place of deep encounter.
I will neva take u on a journey I have neva gone through.
I believe many of us have mind-blowing testimonies of how God came through for us in strange, impossible, and difficult situations ..ALL THE GLORY is sure a PERSONAL song for everyone.

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